Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Not sure where Meghan and Madison's pic went the first time, but here it is :)

And another from our little get together after. The kids were digging the ranch while we were prepping the food. Such cute kids :)


Lindsey said...

I haven't seen your kids forever! They are so big. Cute.

Liz Prisbrey said...

Hey Cari,
I just found you blog on Lindsey's. I'm glad your a blogger! I was wondering how you were doing when I saw you drive by the other day. I'm going to link you!
Liz Prisbrey

Cindy said...

Hey my friend! How was Utah? I don't think I'll make the marathon in January, I'm not training enough. But you should do the one in Feb. in Sadona, Arizona. I heard it was really pretty. I need you to come over and show me how te decorate my blog with music and slides and stuff. Hope to see you soon!!!!

Cari J said...

That's ok, I'm having a hard time getting out too. This one looks like fun too...http://www.mountainmanevents.com/sixtunnels.html Maybe we could even start with a 5-10K? Gosh I wish it wasn't so hard to get some kind of training going. I want to just get on Biggest Loser so I HAVE to do it, not like I could find a babysitter for 3 months!! :) UT was good, though I was glad to be home. I hate being gone that long these days. I used to go for a month or longer, now I just get anxious to be home. It looked like Madison's baptism went well (minus the sickies!). Wish we could have been there!!